
It wasn’t exactly five years into blogging about Rum that we realised how expensive this hobby (buying samples, sure) and running the blog (actual and “hidden” costs) really are, but our fifth anniversary finally convinced us to join Patreon, with a twofold motive: To cover the running costs of the page and to get closer in touch with some of the most integral members of our community. We’ve already enjoyed Rum for much longer than that But let’s go back a bit.
At the beginning of our blogging journey we were relatively selective with what we bought and what we presented, but as the page started to grow, we felt an increasing pressure to review more and more Rum, also Rum from outside of our loot scheme, stuff that we maybe wouldn’t have bought otherwise (nope, we don’t complain, just stating the facts). Since we are absolutely independet and cruelly honest at times -something that still haunts us from time to time, but haters gonna hate-, we are having to pay for about 99% of all samples ourselves which, as you may realise, is no small feat. Of course it is still our hobby and we enjoy what we do, but it would be nice to cover the running costs of the page at least. Alas, if you love what we do and want to support us financially so that we can proceed with this journey, you can now do so by subscribing to one of our memberships on Patreon. Think about it as subscribing to our magazin, or buying us a wee dram so that we can continue what we do until we fully fall in love with Armagnac. We are also working on a few cool exclusive features. To learn more, simply click on the following image:

Single Cask Rum on Patreon